If you believe the many articles in business publications of all kinds, the Millennial generation is holding captive a trillion dollars of spending that noContinue reading
Tag: Marketing Communications
What the Heck Does “Negative Earnings Growth” Mean?
Everyone has a pet peeve about a word or phrase that drives them crazy. And I’m no exception. But this one has deeper implications. IContinue reading
8 Guidelines for B2B Social Media Success
Many businesses forget the operative word in “Social Media” is ‘social.’ That means engaging with others. You cannot simply create a page and then “goContinue reading
5 Buckets of Motivation
When I started my career in direct response a bajillion years ago, we said that all the reasons people buy could be lumped into oneContinue reading
We Should Banish the Phrase “B2B”
Why would I want to banish “B2B” from the dictionary? Because there’s some mystical fog that sits on people’s creative brains when it comes toContinue reading