To help you create a powerhouse flyer on just a single sheet of paper, I’ve boiled down my 2 decades of “getting prospects interested” experienceContinue reading
Tag: B2B Marketing Strategy
Talking with Sales: 3 Ways Marketing Can Do Better
In the B2B world, too often there’s finger-pointing and conflict between Sales and Marketing teams. They just don’t seem to communicate all that well. MoreContinue reading
What the Heck Does “Negative Earnings Growth” Mean?
Everyone has a pet peeve about a word or phrase that drives them crazy. And I’m no exception. But this one has deeper implications. IContinue reading
8 Rules for a Marketing Plan People Will Use All Year
It’s December. Marketing Plan season. Companies everywhere, with all good intentions, invest energy and resources to create a master plan for marketing success in 2015. Continue reading
8 Guidelines for B2B Social Media Success
Many businesses forget the operative word in “Social Media” is ‘social.’ That means engaging with others. You cannot simply create a page and then “goContinue reading
Stop It! Marketing Automation Does NOT Create Better Response!
It’s driving me crazy! It seems everywhere I turn, I read yet another survey or article touting how Marketing Automation has raised response, boosted conversions,Continue reading
5 Buckets of Motivation
When I started my career in direct response a bajillion years ago, we said that all the reasons people buy could be lumped into oneContinue reading
Curing “Bright Shiny Object” Syndrome
Ever notice how often companies get pulled off their sales and marketing plans by “the next big thing?” It’s a real problem for a lotContinue reading